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A Vision Brought to Life

The development of our new strategic plan was a time for painstaking reflection, careful analysis, and bold collaboration. As community members engaged in this year-long undertaking, they committed to viewing the challenges of today with a focus on the future. It wasn't an easy task, but persevering through discussions and deliberations of the strategic planning process have opened up new, valued avenues of communication and brought us to new vistas and perceptions.

As one of our teachers said, this new plan is aspirational and inspirational. It is an adaptive plan that is informed by both the lessons of the pandemic and the need to confront systemic racism and all that is required to realize the promise of inclusion and belonging.

Immersing ourselves in strategic planning demands that we articulate what the world needs from our students. It is unequivocal that putting students first isn’t just the right thing to do for our school’s future; putting our youth at the center of decision-making is what the world needs from us. Getting closer to our vision of a just and compassionate world starts with how we treat each other and the care we take in determining how to prepare our students to take their next steps with all they will need to be successful.

We are grateful for the work of the Board of Trustees, the Strategic Planning Committee, and the many community members who took the time to share their views. With the planning done, we are excited to begin the work of bringing this plan to life!

Kim Leipham Freedman
Head of School

Read the full Strategic Plan.

Strategic Plan Steering Committee

Deana Allman, Director of Communications
Cary Bassett, Trustee, Clerk Strategic Planning Steering Committee
Jim Bassett, Parent and Community Association Clerk
Neil Belenky, Board of Trustees
Anyua Clark, Upper School Parent
Catherine Clawson, Upper School Faculty
Dwon Clifton, Director of Athletics
Allie Dailey, Lower School Parent
Lauren Dean, Middle School Faculty, Alumna
Kim Freedman, Head of School
Hanna Hobson, Director of School Administration
Carolyn Howes, Head of Lower School
Tanisha Jones, Head of Middle School and Upper School
Christine Lawe, Director of Literacy Instruction
Pattie Midgett, Director of Enrollment Management
Nick Purrington, Clerk of the Board of Trustees
Jason Roghelia, Director of Finance
Neil Swenson, Lower School Faculty
Celeste Williams, Board of Trustees
