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Arts at NGFS


At New Garden Friends School, the arts are an integral part of our curriculum. While there is overwhelming research to justify the arts contribution to academic proficiency, there is something far more critical at stake when we sit down to determine how our students will spend the valuable hours of their school days.

Creativity - the ability to listen and collaborate, to appreciate differences, to articulate a point of view - these are the qualities of great artists and also the qualities of people who will make a difference in the lives of those around them.

When we give students ample time to work on their music, their poetry, their drama, and their creations in visual arts, we communicate to them that we take them seriously; we are not just interested in how well they can make use of information we have imparted to them, we care about their discoveries, their impressions, their thoughts, and their concerns.

Features of the program include:

  • Partnership with Greensboro Performing Arts for drama and dance. 
  • A play production each year in the Lower and Upper School
  • General music instruction for all students in PS-6th grade
  • Suzuki violin option starting in 3rd grade
  • Ensemble opportunity for grades 7-12
  • Private instrumental music lessons
  • Comprehensive visual arts program featuring ceramics, painting, drawing, graphic design, photography, and more