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Teamwork opens up a world of opportunity where students experience the thrill of playing on a team, while working together for a common purpose. Some of our students' best memories are those shared either on the field or cheering from the sidelines. The true benefit comes from experiences on and off the field that develop character and teach responsibility and leadership.

JV and Varsity Sports

New Garden Friends School is a member of the North Carolina Independent Schools Athletic Association (NCISAA). As part of the NCISAA, our athletes have the opportunity to compete for championships at the conference and state level. Learn more about the CISAA here.


Students in grades 7-11 are eligible for Junior Varsity sports.

Students in grades *9-12 are eligible for Varsity sports. 

*At the discretion of the Athletics Director, Middle School students (grades 7-8) may be eligible to participate on the varsity level.

Fall Season (late Aug-late Oct): Girls Volleyball, Coed Cross Country, Boys JV Soccer

Winter Season (early Nov-early Feb): Boys JV Basketball, Girls JV Basketball, Boys Varsity Basketball (season can go up to mid-March), Coed Spirit Squad, Coed Swimming

Spring Season  (mid March-mid May): Coed Golf, Coed Tennis, Coed Track, Girls JV Soccer

Middle Division Sports

Middle division sports is an introductory level experience for students in grades 5-7 and is designed to prioritize student athletes with little to no experience in a particular sport. Teams are coed and compete in the Independent School League (ISL) with other independent schools in the Triad. Middle Division practices are typically held on Mondays and Wednesdays and games are played on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

Fall Season: Cross Country (late Aug-late Sept), Soccer (late Sept-early Nov)

Winter Season: Flag Football (early Nov-mid Dec), Volleyball (early Jan-early Feb)

Spring Season: Basketball (mid Feb-mid March)

Required Participation Forms:

All NGFS athletes must have the following four forms completed and on file with the Athletics Department before they can begin participation in their first sport of the year:

NCISSA Consent to Participate and Release Form 

NCISSA Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation -must be completed by a healthcare provider

NCISSA Concussion Form 

Signed copy of Student‐Athlete and Parent/Guardian Participation Agreement (provided with the NGFS Athletics Handbook in August at the Athletics Interest Meetings).


For questions about NGFS Athletics, please email

Normal schedule