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Welcome to Upper School


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Appreciating and answering the needs of today's students demands that we let go of assumptions about the future and focus on providing students with what they will need to become engaged, compassionate citizens. This begins with serious scholarship and a commitment to building the competencies students need to listen deeply, communicate clearly, collaborate effectively, and think critically, considering multiple perspectives. 

At NGFS, we nurture our students' capacity for empathy and responsibility. We embrace our obligation to help students find their voices, at the same time, guiding them to appreciate that other voices are equally valuable, even when they present opposing perspectives. As a Quaker school, we know that at times, there is nothing more courageous than compassion. We encourage students to listen to the silence and question whether all voices are being invited to participate in the conversation.

Congratulations to the Class of 2024 who earned over $1.9 million in merit-based scholarships!

See the Class of 2024 College Acceptances here.



Visit our Upper School.

Hear from NGFS Alumni about their high school experiences.

