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Students in grades 7-12 have the unique opportunity to learn beginning through advanced guitar from a professional composer and classical guitarist with over 15 years of instructional experience. Guitars (full-sized) may be rented for the semester for no cost from NGFS.

New Garden Friends School is the only school in Guilford County with a comprehensive guitar program for grades 7-12.

Highlights of the Guitar curriculum include:

  • Technique: learning and applying increasingly complex left and right hand figurations in new contexts, proper seating and posture, numbers for the left hand and letter names for the right hand, basic left and right hand techniques and best practices, dyads (two-note chords), triads (three-note chords), simple arpeggios, introduction to playing together as an ensemble, development and use of active listening skills
  • Music Theory: reading music using staff notation in two parts, counting and clapping common rhythms, reading sharps and flats, developing and expanding a vocabulary of musical terminology
  • Performances: Spring Arts Collaborative, Piedmont Classic Guitar Society (PCGS) Play-In (optional)
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